E Library Services:
1.⦁ N-LIST (National Library and Information Services infrastructure for Scholarly Content) is an ambitious programme of INFLIBNET / UGC-INFONET. Under section 2 (f) and 12 (B) of UGC Act 1956, our college is the member of this UGC funded progarmme.
2.⦁ The N-LIST programme provides access to more than 6000+ e-journals (with back files for 10 years) and 97,000+ e-books
3. ⦁ Individual Login ID and password for all our faculty members as well as for all the students have been provided for accessing the resource by INFLIBNET. All those who have not collected yet, are requested to collect it from the Library
4. ⦁ For accessing the resource, just go to the college website, click Library section of it. Here You can find a Link on N-list just click on it and use your credentials; Login and password
Library Services
- Lending service
- Reader Advisory Service
- Internet Service
- Reprographic service
- Reference Service
Library Utilization
No.of visitors per day
- Students:50-100
- Teachers: 10-20
- Other: 5-8
Charging and Discharging system
Browne charging systems adopted (Nina.E.Browne)
- Number of Books issued per day:50-100
- Number of books returned per day:50-100
- Books issued per student:03-04
Extent of use of services
- E -resource by INFLIBNET
- Orientation program
- Photocopy
- Book Exhibition
- Book display program
- Promotion of Reading Skill
- CDs and Cassettes
Best practices
- Special assistance to the poor and deserving students
- Value added service to differently abled students
- User orientation and Information literacy to students .
- Inclusion of library information in the college prospectus
- Career / Employment information
- Suggestion box for timely response
- Display new arrivals
- Organization of book exhibition